Monday, 25 March 2013

Assyrian Royal Guard

Today I completed my first unit of true Assyrians, and of course it had to be the elite Royal Guard.

This is a 20-strong unit, based up for WAB. Tough cookies, too.

I went for rich colours. I like the drama of them. Although I just did a simple block-paint style on all my 20mm wargame figures now, these did take a while to paint as there are so many colours involved per figure.

The first two Caesar chariots are coming along nicely. Both had warps in some of the panels, and as the plastic is thick and strong, and has memory, these cannot just be bent straight. The method I use is to place them in a saucepan and pour about an inch of boiling water on top of them. Leave them 10 seconds then fish them out one at a time with a spoon. The plastic is now so soft that it can easily be straightened. Hold it straight and then dip it into a mug of cold water. Hold it for 20 seconds and job done. I fixed the very warped panels on both of the chariots this way, and they stayed fixed. Sadly Caesar figure sets are a bit bad for bent panels and spears etc. I suspect it's down to how they are handled after ejection from the mould. But the boiling water/cold water method works 100% for me, and although is adds a bit of work, it's not a major chore.

Still got the basing to do, but I tend to leave that until the whole army is finished. It's going to be a simple base colour of flock, probably of tan stone or some such shade.


Steve-the-Wargamer said...

You weren't taking those pictures on my bookshelves were you??! :o)

Poacher said...

Not unless you are hiding in my loft, Steve...



CelticCurmudgeon said...

Dear Chrissie,
Smashing job! These are totally perfect for gaming and I can't wait to see their friends. Keep up the good work!
More importantly, how's your post-op recovery going?
Jerry A/K/A The Celtic Curmudgeon

Poacher said...

Thank you... :-)

Recovery going very well.

Trying to find work now before I go broke, although technically I am still supposed to be recovering for another month, minimum.

But needs must.


Brian Carrick said...

Last week while straightening a pikestaff in boiling water I watched in horror as it disappeared before my very eyes, melted away to nothing. In fairness it's the first time this has happened in over forty years of using the technigue but a salutory tale nonetheless.

Glad to hear recovery going well and good luck with jobsearch, Brian

Poacher said...

Thank you, Brian. I actually managed t get a job on the second interview I went to, after a prolonged job hunt lasting a week. :-)

That means I already have my next project creeping around what passes for my mind.

Melted away? What was it, ice? Seriously, what make of figure was it? I'll need to know so I be careful with them.

That is just staggering.


Brian Carrick said...

Hi Chrissie, it was a 54mm 7YW figure made by Armies in Plastic and as I said it's the first time this has ever happened so you are probably safe. But it's always worth bearing in mind.

And well done you on the job front!

Best wishes Brian

Poacher said...

Thank you, Brian.. :-)

I was lucky.

That is a bit scary. I have not seen any figures from that company.

54mm is tempting to someone whose eyesight is strained painting smaller, but whilst attracted by the figures and the ease of painting, I have always been put off by the room required to game with them. How do you manage?


Brian Carrick said...

We play 54mm games on tables of about 6' x 8' or for preference in the garden (if it was good enough for H G Wells it's good enough for us), storage is always a challenge though!

It's really more about nostalgic playing with toy soldiers like we did as kids than wargaming, simple rules and fast games with matchstick firing cannon, it dosen't get better than that.

Best wishes, Brian