Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Odds & Sods.

My first attempt at fictional Horse & Musket armies.

I am always driven by a need to keep costs down to a minimum, so the initial attempt involved some 20mm plastic figures. These are from Italeri, although the figures at the back are, so I seem to recall John Preece informing me, VERY early MiniFigs.

I was intending to use DBN rules for this project, hence the basing. But in the end I just fell in love with Holger Ericsson figures, and nothing else would do...

I very rarely buy figures just for the sake of painting them, but these next ones I did. Picked up for a song on eBay, there were about 25 in the box, all unpainted castings, of which this is a small sample. Renegade I think, and so wonderful to paint! They now reside in the USA, as a buyer there took them off my hands for a fair sum.

And finally, another aborted project; a Punic Wars Republican Roman Army, for DBM. These are the Psiloi for that army. I did a few Blade units too, but ran out of enthusiasm. Figures are HaT. Not a great paint job, but I never really go overboard on plastics, even though I do love them....


abdul666 said...

Nice Napoleonic uniform -too good to be forgotten / wasted. Retracing this regiment's traditions back in time, by the times of tricorns it could have been a proud 'Guard' unit.

Poacher said...

Nice idea, Jean-louis.. but these 20mm are now sadly gone, lord knows where.... :-(

abdul666 said...

But you can still paint one of your new H.E. unit in that uniform...

Poacher said...

Yes, very true.... !


Athens Irrigation said...

I enjoyed rreading your post